As we prepare to gather in person for our annual meeting this year in Banff, here are some important updates to note:

CSAFM-SCMAF has partnered with the Canadian Geophysical Union for this year’s annual meeting in Banff from May 7 – 10. Consider submitting an abstract to either of the two CSAFM-SCMAF sessions in this year’s meeting:

a.       CSAFM 1: Observational studies of land-atmosphere interactions,

b.       CSAFM 2: Understanding past, present and future effects of climate on agriculture, forestry, and water resources.  

The deadline for submission is March 5, 2023 at 11:59 pm MST and the submission portal is here:

If you are unable to attend the meeting in Banff but want to join the CSAFM-SCMAF Business Meeting, a link will be provided to the membership in April. The hour-long Business meeting will be held in-person with opportunity for members to join remotely.  

Student and Postdoc members of CSAFM-SCMAF who are planning to give a poster or oral presentation at either CSAFM-SCMAF session can apply for a travel bursary. The travel bursaries are valued at $250 to $500 each. Please email your request to and include your abstract text and abstract submission confirmation number by March 5, 2023 at 11:59 pm MST. Recipients will be notified by email in mid-March.

All student members presenting their research at the CSAFM-SCMAF sessions will be automatically considered for the CSAFM-SCMAF Student Presentation Award and the Campbell Scientific Canada Bert Tanner Student Prize.

If you have not renewed your CSAFM-SCMAF membership, kindly consider doing so via our website Membership fees are $20 CAD for regular membership and $5 for student members.

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