Dr. Paul Bullock of the University of Manitoba was awarded Fellowship into the Canadian Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology at the 2022 CSAFM-SCMAF AGM. Dr. Bullock’s research focused on many aspects related to agrometeorology. His wide range of experiences – first as a Prairie farm boy, to working in the agriculture industry as the Director of Weather and Crop Surveillance at the Canadian Wheat Board before joining academia, helped him to develop a great understanding of Prairie agriculture.

From researching soil-scale, field-scale, and watershed-scale soil moisture fluxes using in-situ, proximal, remote sensing, and modelling impacts of environmental conditions on wheat bread-making quality and yield, his research lab engaged in several projects that had direct practical applications to agriculture. His lab was the first to install a multi-year soil moisture modelling network in Manitoba and the foundation of his work has led to the Manitoba Agriculture Weather Program having a network of over 100 in-situ soil moisture monitoring locations. His contributions to agricultural meteorology are recognized through this Fellowship award.

Congratulations Paul!

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